Res želite izvesti to dejanje?
VigeVageKnjige is based in Ljubljana, and owns two bookstores, one in Ljubljana
(called Šiškla), and the other in Maribor (called Mariborka). The three founders are Anja Zag Golob, CEO and editor-in-chief,
Katja Šaponjić, head translator and proofreader, and Nejc Golob, CFO.
Zala Zagoršek Golob is the chief literary agent, in charge of selling and buying
book rights, and one of the producers of events ([javascript protected email address]). For PR related matters, do please contact our PR expert
Tinkara Uršič Fratina ([javascript protected email address]).
The head of office is Jerica Šemerl Harmel ([javascript protected email address]), who works
hand in hand with head of the Ljubljana bookstore Ines Pestar ([javascript protected email address],
or +386 (0)70 45 00 67) and head of Mariborka Iva Žele ([javascript protected email address], or +386 (0)70 61 05 39).
Matic Ačko and Tajda Pavletič are our setters, and Teja Cetinski
catches bugs all over our part of the internet.
For all bank details please click »Kontakt« under »KNJIGARNA« above.
This is (some of) us, it's August 16th 2020 and we just conquered the top of the mountain Kladivo / The Hammer (2094m).
Res želite izvesti to dejanje?